The stories used in this lesson were collected by the author
while serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Liberia, West Africa. He lived
in Zwedru, a town surrounded by the rainforest, or "the bush" as the
Liberians called it. These tales have been kid - tested and approved around
the world with students of all ages. These stories, and any other African
tales, work as a great introduction to the wealth of culture and history that
Africa has to offer. |

| If you like this website, you may also like the author's site
about Hammurabi. It is kid tested and approved. And, with about
a million hits, it must be doing something right. Over the years, many people have admired the artwork that
has been put into this site. Now, for those of you who would like to use
my art in your classroom, I am starting a collection of clip art. Explore
the site often because it will grow. | |