Body Tracings with Phillip Martin
Lesson Plan
Learner Outcomes:
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Introduce the terms hue and tone
Use warm and cool colors appropriately
Create rhythms with lines
Appreciate that texture is used to enhance realism
Understand that art includes a variety of forms using different media
Large strips of white bulletin board paper
Assorted markers, colored pencils, or crayons
Hue, Tone, Rhythm, Pattern, Line

Helpful hint: Grab another volunteer or two if at all possible to help with the tracings. Otherwise, do the tracings in advance a few at a time. You don't want the entire class waiting while you do each student one at a time.

Trace the children on the long sheets of bulletin board paper. Before cutting them out, let the students color the tracings in either what they are wearing or in their favorite clothing. They may use colored pencils, markers, or crayons. Be sure they put a name tag on their clothing so parents who need extra help will have some way to recognize their child's work when they find them taped to chair at "Back to School Night!"

Copyright 2000, revised 2012 by Phillip Martin All rights reserved.