Torn Paper Mache with Phillip Martin

Even my youngest students learn that you can't rush a good piece of art.  It takes time and patience to create the detail and texture that bring a piece alive.  In this project, small pieces of paper and torn and then applied to a cardboard surface with a paper mache solution.  The rule of thumb is to have no torn pieces larger than a thumb nail.  Some of my young artists use pieces much smaller than that. Of course, others try to get by with pieces much larger than finger nails. They don't get by.

All paper in this project is from recycled paper. Whenever my artists cut out anything, the scraps are saved. I use the boxes that photocopy paper comes in. One box for each color of recycled paper. I also use scraps of paper and the paper mache solution to completely cover each box.

I used to fear paper mache until I finally made some. It is wonderful for all kinds of projects. Get over your fear if you have it. Just be sure to mix up the solution a day in advance so it gets thick. If it is too thick, just add water and shake it up in a tupperware dish (with the lid sealed.)


Copyright 2000, revised 2012 by Phillip Martin All rights reserved.