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Tropical Harper

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At home in Julekin

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The only way to carry a load

HARPER  ........  This town was located right on the ocean, and it was beautiful in its run-down kind of way.  The best view of the city was from the hotel outside of town on a peninsula that looked back towards Harper. 

Traveling around Maryland County was an opportunity to see some of the more remote parts of Liberia.  One volunteer lived in a small village named Julekin.  He came to Zwedru when he had malaria.  And, when he recovered, several of us took the chance to escort him home safely.  Wasn't that part of our Peace Corps duty?

Julekin was remote.  We visited a waterfall where the volunteer liked to take a shower.  This was the experience I thought I'd have in the Peace Corps.  But, you wouldn't find me complaining about the occasional electricity in Zwedru. 

In most of the towns throughout Liberia, many building had zinc roofs.  They lasted longer than thatch, had less bugs, and sounded like thunder during the rains.  No matter how good the zinc was, it certainly took away from the ambiance that thatch provided.  Julekin was full of ambiance. 


Copyright 1999 by Phillip Martin All rights reserved.