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Mural 1 completed

With one mural and experience under their belts, the kids were ready for mural two. It took a big chunk out of their Saturday to do that. But, the kids were ready. First, they came with traditional Albanian food. That's always a good way to start a mural in my book.


Not so secure Scaffolding

I was so impressed that so many students were willing to paint on a weekend. Well, there were a lot of things that impressed me. They certainly learned quickly what was expected and how to do it. When they left at the end of painting, I didn't have to retouch the art. They really made progress!


It wasn't exactly all work. Yes, they worked, but the longer we painted, it felt more like a party. There was music (too loud), food, and at one point a conga line. No, they weren't suffering on the weekend.


Progress came smoothly and quickly. Yes, they made progress, and they weren't done with that progress. Before leaving for the day, they begged for a third mural. In the midst of such enthusiasm, there was no way to say no.


Mural 2 completed  
Copyright 1995 and 2009 by Phillip Martin All rights reserved.