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Copan ........Europeans first discovered the place in 1576, but by then it had been abandoned for centuries. It isn't clear what caused the complete decline of the city. It could have been a military defeat or a severe drought. But, archaeologists estimate that at its peak in the 8th century, the population of the valley had at least 20,000 inhabitants.

the Acropolis.........

.........the view atop the Acropolis
Thousands of structures have been discovered in the 27 square kilometer area that is the primary site of the city. I didn't take a guide. I knew I would have learned so much more if I had done so. I was certain it was my loss. However, I was also certain of my gain. Every tour guide brought his group in a round about way through the ruins site to the great plaza, the Plaza de las Estelas. I, instead, headed directly to the great plaza. I was gloriously alone during the entire time I explored the plaza.
an artist's vision of the view from the Acropolis.........

.........behind the Acropolis, surrounded by the rainforest

The pyramids of Chichen Itza and Tikal were larger. My legs hurt for three days after climbing in Tikal. That wasn't a problem in Copán. But, what it lacked in height, Copan made up for with art. The carvings and hieroglyphics far surpassed anything I saw at the other two locations.

The Plaza de las Estelas, with the Stairway on the left and the Acropolis in the middle
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