World Travels......South America... ...Peru fe..Peru Mural.




PITUMARKA, PERU ...YThe very first photo I took in Peru was at a crafts market of a delightful weaver, Timoteo.  He was all dress up in traditional clothing.  I sat down to talk some, but then I had to come back later in the day.  I said I wanted to come home with him some day to see his family's weaving operation.  He only went home on weekends.  When I asked if there was a hotel in his town, he said yes, but I could stay at his house if I wanted.  What an opportunity!  We set a date and I arranged my time in Peru around it.

Unfortunatley, a visit with Timoteo to Pitumarka involved a 4:30 AM wake up call and a 5:00 AM bus journey.  Of course, when we got in the bus, I was in no mood to talk.  I tried to sleep.  That really didn't happen.  But, I was surprised when I looked up once and saw how many people were standing in a very crowded center aisle.  I was so thankful for a seat.

After about two hours or so, we got off the bus in a town that sounded something like chicken coop, Checacupe.  Perhaps it was a forewarning of things to come?  Actually, I think chickens have more room in a coop than I did in the van going up the mountain.  My shoulders touched the top of the van.  I grabbed on to the handle bar and endured the last six kilometers up the mountain, stooped over seeing none of the view.
There was another wonderful, unexpected reason to stay at Timoteo's house.  At one point, "cuy" came up in the conversation.  I asked if he had any.  "Yes, they're in the kitchen."  I immediately grabbed my camera. About a dozen of the little critters ran loose on the dirt floor. Yes, I'm quite certain that there was more than just dirt on the floor.  But, health code or not, I was thrilled -- over the moon thrilled -- to see those guinea pigs. I reassured Timoteo that I didn't eat pets.  He understood too.  He wouldn't eat either of his cats.
Copyright 2012 by Phillip Martin All rights reserved.